This information has not been evaluated or approved by the FDA and is not necessarily based on scientific evidence from any source. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are intended to support general well being and are not intended to treat, diagnose, mitigate, prevent, or cure any condition or disease. If conditions persist, please seek advice from your medical doctor.
CBD & Epilepsy
CBD & Epilepsy are showing up as two connected terms a lot in the scientific and medical community. Take a look at the history of treating epilepsy with cannabidiol, the clinical trials that have been conducted.
World Health Organization & CBD
Get an in-depth explanation of the World Health Organacations Stance on the safety of taking CBD.
CBD Giants answers questions about CBD with facts. What is CBD, is CBD legal, and is CBD safe? Find out these answers and much more.
Since 1993
About CBD Giants
Our goal at CBD Giants is to be your one-stop store for CBD extracts and products you can buy online with absolute confidence. From CBD edibles and vapes to tinctures, topicals, and capsules, our product pages grant our customers access to CBD in whatever form they want or need. Our products come from legitimate, reputable companies that assure quality through lab testing, quality-controlled manufacturing processes, and detail-oriented attention to product authenticity. Therefore, you know when you buy from us, you are getting a product that is exactly what it says. Plus, we keep prices in check with occasional promos and coupons.
Not only do we provide a reputable product lineup of quality products so you don't have to shop around, wonder where to buy products, and question authenticity, we make it easy to arm yourself with knowledge about CBD and its proposed benefits. We provide reviews from real customers about our products, detailed information about every CBD product and manufacturer, and help you understand which CBD products will be right for you. Before you buy a product, we want you to know the difference between good and bad CBD-based supplements and understand what clinical trials, scientists, and medical professionals are really saying about CBD as a supplement.

CBD Vape Oils
Enjoy the potential benefits of CBD for the endocannabinoid system in vaporizable oil form. Available in different concentrations and flavors, these vape oils are derived from cannabinoid sources and formulated for use in typical vaping devices.
CBD Edibles
Get your daily dose of CBD in a delightfully flavorful way with this lineup of CBD edibles. Gummies, chocolates, hard candies, and cake pops—find everything right down to liquid CBD shots. Check out reviews to track down your next favorite CBD edible.
CBD Tinctures
Add hemp-based CBD into your regimen with concentrated CBD tinctures. Consume tinctures orally or in a beverage to reap the potential benefits of this supplement. Find odorless or colorless tinctures or those blended with minerals and other ingredients.
CBD Pastes
Implement CBD into your life with this line of highly concentrated CBD pastes. Made from the extracted cannabinoid CBD as well as other parts of the hemp plant, these supplements are created using the entire plant for maximum benefits.
CBD Capsules
Create a routine of stimulating the endocannabinoid system with these CBD capsules. These capsules are either oil or powder-based so they are easily absorbed into the system, and they don't involve measuring doses like some extracts.
CBD Topicals
Target specific parts of the body with our CBD topicals for sale. These topical ointments can be applied where you need them, whether it's an aching joint or problematic skin area, and are available in different concentrations, scents, and formulations.
Diamond CBD
Diamond CBD develops breakthrough CBD products made with hemp extracts with the help of their team of doctors and scientists. Each item they offer is created in a quality-controlled environment so the end result is a 100% natural, lab-tested CBD product.
HempLucid utilizes a whole-plant approach to creating quality products containing the valuable components of the hemp plant beyond CBD. Their products offer a collaboration of the full spectrum of vitamins, minerals, terpenes, and phytocannabinoids.
NuLeaf Naturals
NuLeaf Naturals has a commitment to providing 100% organic and non-GMO CBD products. Every product is made from CO2-extracted cannabidiol from Colorado-grown cannabis sativa and lab tested by a third party to ensure quality, purity, and reliability.